Le Kiosque Média

"Notre métier n’est ni de faire plaisir, ni de faire du tort. Il est de porter la plume dans la plaie." - Albert Londres


Le goût du sang-sationnel

Dans l'excellent roman policier "Darkly Dreaming", de Jeff Lindsay, on peut lire le passage savoureux suivant :

« By the time I got there the crowd was three deep around the barrier, and most of them were reporters. It is always hard work to push through a crowd of reporters with the scent of blood in their nostrils. You might not think so, since on camera they appear to be brain-damaged wimps with severe eating disorders. But put them at a police barricade and a miraculous thing happens. They become strong, aggressive, willing and able to shove anything and anyone out of the way and trample them underfoot. It's a bit like the stories about aged mothers lifting trucks when their child is trapped underneath. The strength comes from some mysterious place - and somehow, when there is gore on the ground, these anorexic creatures can push their way through anything. Without mussing their hair, too. »
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