Le Kiosque Média

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Peter Beaumont critique le dernier livre de Chomsky

Failed States: The Abuse of Power and the Assault on Democracy
Noam Chomsky
Hamish Hamilton, 311p.

Enfin, un homme de gauche ose dire que Chomsky charrie. Peter Beaumont, responsable du bureau international de l’Observer critique le dernier livre de Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky has allowed bile and rhetoric to replace intellectual rigour in his latest diatribe against the present United States administration, says Peter Beaumont

Extrait :
( ) Chomsky chooses to deal with America's growing democratic deficit not by putting it under a microscope, but by reaching for hyperbole. He suggests an America in the grip of a 'demonic messianism' comparable to that of Hitler's National Socialism. Except that it isn't. Conveniently missing from Chomsky's account is the fact that the failure and overreach of George W Bush's policies, both on the domestic and the international front, has had serious consequences for his brand of neo-conservatism: disastrously collapsing public-approval ratings.

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